E PLEMEN-ENER E UNVERSY O WS.N:GON LOOKS ORWRD O. Guide to lassroom Locations New ourses for utumn Qu~ 194 ~dependent Study hrough Orrespondence ~ Schedule of utumn QUarter 194 ourse Offerings Department 'Major and'ollege odes ndex to the ime Schedule 4? J2 ~Ĥ. he Grade of ncomplete \SatisfactorylNot Satisfactory reditno redit-only ourses utumn Quarter 194 alendar. New and Returning Students Grading System. Special ourse and Laboratory ees hange of ddress Student nsurance. hange ppointments and Late ee Grades in Dropped oursesancj Drop Restrictions ee orfeitures or Refunds ourses dded fter the Official hange Period ee Payment. Eligibility Submitting the ~gistraqon onn' f YouMissPreregistration.
Registration nstructions cademic dviser Preregistration. ull-time Student Requirement (veterans' benefits Soial Security benefits international studen~ NonmatticuJatedSt~dentS ~. ONENS General nformation Rules and Regulations ppeal Procedure '. Director of ollege Relations: EdWard Seyler 1ģ. Director of National dvertising: Jerry Koffler.
N.J ( Publisher: University ommunications. itsay Vice President: Unda arris DREORY O LSSESQR E ~NVERSY O WSNGON Subsidiary of Zift-Davis Publishing ompany. ln Published By: University ommunications nc. NO.:: BE< NNN( W UUMN QURER REGSRON.: S.:ONS BRN O. ujtion-exempt faculty/staff: September 26. n-person registration (by appointment only: June 21-ugust 17 September Matriculated students: June 21-ugust 17 September Nonmatriculated students: September 26. M~y 2242 lass standing is based on the projected number of credits the student will have at the beginning of the next quarfer~ aculty and staff using tuition exemptions may not preregister. May Janiors (90-14 credits May 22 2 Sophomores (4-9 credits. Last day to register and receive highest priority Preregistration: May reshmen (0-44 credits May 1617 Seniors (1 credits May 171 Graduate students May Postbaccalaureate (fifth-year students.